On our way to holiday, sending parcels or while baking - we cannot imagine our every day life without scales or balances. These measuring devices to determine weight are indispensable as well in fields like trade and industry or in medicine or logistics sectors. Quickly testing the luggage for overweight, weighing cake ingredients, determine the package‘s postage – things like that are inconceivable without luggage scales, kitchen scales or letter balances.
If every gramm counts, …
… precision scales are the right choice. These digital table scales sufficient for household use have a little minimum load and measure with exactness to ±1 gramm. Of course, in fields like research, pharmacy or medical technology are used more sensitive scales. On the other side, sectors working with products of heavy weight types use high-load balances, which can be fully load with a large maximum weight of hundreds of kilos or tons. Because exactness matters in weighing technologies, most scales are calibrated and should regularly be maintained by a specialist.
What else?
Beside accuracy of measurment results there are further functions, that matter, like tare function, automatic zero reset or a counting function, that calculates the number of items by weighing the quantity. Furthermore, converting or switching over to other weight units, for example kilogramm to pound, often is a crucial function and facilitates working processes. By determining a mass scales enormously simplify our every day life. Just regulating the weight, we have to do by ourselves.