Spirit levels
Spirit levels may not be missing in any craftsmen’s equipment! They are testing devices, that work like a millennia-old measuring technique, which even ancient Egyptians had been used. Nowadays spirit levels mainly consist of a long profile equipped with a slightly curved capsule, which is filled with liquid. In this usually green liquid there is an air bubble that floates between two marking lines. By the means of buoyancy it always swims to the highest point in the small glass tube. Once the bubble is positioned exactly between the two lines, the surface, the spirit level lies on, is aligned in the horizontal position. This glass tube is called level. Most spirit levels have two levels for horizontal and vertical alignment of an object. However, some spirit levels have three levels for alignment in three axes or for angle determination.

Simple but effective automatic-level tool
Water spirit levels are also known as air level or tubular level. They are available in various lengths, shapes and types. This measuring instrument is used not only enclosed in a profile, but also as single level for tripods or cameras. Depending on certain demands an analog surface level, a digital spirit level or a laser balance is the appropriate measuring tool for adjustment or monitoring of an object’s position. Spirit levels are indispensable, whether for levelling a floor, for adjustment of sewer pipes with slight slope or just for the exact alignment of several pictures on a wall. For that reason, they surely will be used as measuring device even in thousands of years.