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The following soldering guide is a recommendation from world-trading-net. We will show you illustrated soldering steps for dipolar LED's on single-core wire and for 12V connection to direct current. You may buy all items such as LED’s, resistors, soldering tools and insulation as well as joining parts in LED online shop. For the following instructions we used items from our shop: - LED red 11.000mcd Ø 5mm We wish you lots of fun and enjoy these great products with high quality and long live from our specialized online shop. For further questions, queries, feedback and information please do not hesitate to contact us on |
1. Check delivery
2. Establish the poles- the shorter leg is the negative pole An LED can be soldered up to the small restriction just before the lens. The soldering iron should contact the pole no longer than five seconds.
3. Shortening the positive pole
4. Preparing of the resistor
5. Soldering of the resistor
6. Cut the wires
7. Tin the cable flex
8. Check cables
9. Soldering the cable to the resistor (positive pole)
10. Soldering the cable to the negative pole
11. Insulation of soldered joints
12. Insulation of negative pole
13. Check the finished soldered LED
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